On June 13, 2017, Judith Cassel and Melissa Chapaska, attorneys at Cannabis Law Solutions, will present “Planting the Seed: Legalities & Realities of Medical Marijuana in PA” at the Lancaster Bar Association, located at 28 E Orange St, Lancaster, PA 17602.

Ms. Cassel and Ms. Chapaska have put together an extensive panel of experts to address important issues facing those hoping to obtain a permit to operate a medical marijuana facility in Pennsylvania.   In addition to detailing Pennsylvania’s medical marijuana program and federal/state law conflict, the panel will address a far range of topics affecting the industry, including finance, security, zoning, energy, and medical research.

Other panelists include Whitney Snyder, attorney at Hawke, McKeon & Sniscak LLP, Kevin Evans, Dispensary Operations Consultant, Richard Wortmann, CPA, and Greg West, Security Specialist.  The program offers 2 substantive CLE credits. The cost of attendance is $59.00 for LBA members, and $109.50 for non-members.   For more information, contact the Lancaster Bar Association at (717) 393-0737.

Founded on extensive experience in regulatory law, Cannabis Law Solutions specializes in legal issues affecting the marijuana industry.  For more information on our firm, please contact us.